• Mon - Fri: 09.30 - 18.30

Healthcare Division

It is our passion to build a health community and promote a better quality of life. In our bid to heighten awareness on the importance of health screening, BAC has become a platform and coordination centre for health screening. We can connect clients to medical doctors, healthcare professionals and medical services that meet their specific needs. Corporations which require health screening for their employees, retirement homes and individuals who require medical solutions would benefit from BAC’s resources.

With Malaysia being ranked #1 in the world’s best healthcare category (The Star, 7 Feb 2019), medical tourism is on the rise. BAC is able to provide clients with recommendations for solutions in this industry. This will further spark growth of medical tourism in Malaysia while contributing to the country’s economic prowess and advancing employment opportunities.

Boston Asia Capital

Boston Asia Capital is known for consistently positioning companies well ahead of both global and industry-specific trends. The firm allocates considerable energy into maintaining a comprehensive understanding of global economic dynamics and industry trends in order to deliver optimal investment strategies.

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